It has been said that one should never be upstaged by children or dogs—and I always believed it was because we don’t want to share the entertainment value. But of late, I’ve come to believe that we adults don’t want children or dogs to steal our thunder in certain situations because they just might teach us something we really need to know.
Recently, I’ve called upon a few life lessons that I learned from a child and a dog---profound enough to share.
One of my couples decided that their lovely, professionally trained golden retriever would make a fine addition to their bridal party. As an avid animal lover, and pet Mom, I understand the gifts pets bring to our lives---so I rarely oppose the participation of a well-behaved dog in a wedding (operative words well-behaved).
My canine charge was paraded in on the wedding day as planned---with a wreath of flowers around his neck. Much to the chagrin of the couple, the wreath was a major source of irritation causing periodic pauses to vigorously scratch and the attempted removal of the offending flowers.
Life Lessons Learned:
1. No matter how highly trained we are, we have frailties and boundaries that need to be observed and respected.
2. Something well meaning and absolutely innocent --a rose, (a comment, a gesture) can reek havoc when applied to the wrong circumstance.
I learned another set of lessons from a sweet, doe-eyed ring bearer who refused to process the aisle without his stuffed bunny and its buggy. Several well meaning adults crouched down around the child and offered lengthy, logical explanations about why bunny could not be pushed down the aisle. The child was inconsolable, and with procession about to begin, my wedding volunteer and I tied two white pew bows on the buggy, threw the ring pillow on the bunny’s lap, and sent the ring bearer down the aisle.
The child was delighted---the audience was delighted---and I suspect the bunny was also delighted.
Life Lessons Learned:
1. You can always learn high-minded things from cerebral people. But sometimes, precious logic abounds in the mind and spirit of a 3-year old.
2. Life is too short, and also far too long to sweat the insignificant---so be flexible. When your plans don’t go exactly as expected, don’t waste time lamenting what could be-----put your bunny in the buggy and get down the aisle---your life is waiting!!!
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