Monday, February 1, 2016

World Hijab Day

I have been away from this blog for a bit, working on school and other writing.  But I wanted to come back this year and decided that February 1 - World Hijab Day would be the perfect day.

In a world of confusion, and in the cacophony of conversation that often lacks civility, I encourage you to take a breath today and imagine yourself living in the shoes of someone outside of your cultural comfort zone. Today is World Hijab Day.  I am not Muslim, but today, I will wear Hijab.  To my sisters around the globe who wear the Hijab proudly as a symbol of modesty and personal identity---today, I am with you.  To my sisters around the globe for whom the Hijab is a tool of discrimination—today, I am with you. And to my sisters around the globe who are living under the hands of tyranny, in any form---today, I am with you.